Embroideries on cotton fabric.
The project consists of a series of works embroidered on white and skin coloured textiles. The conceptual basis for the embroidery were the themes from the installation project “#100DaysofQuestions”.

Acrylic glass print 19 x 9 cm.
The Instagram project “#100DaysofQuestions” deals
with the current problems of the modern generation. It lasted more than nine months and was Installation consisting of 100 photos printed on acrylic glass in the form of a smartphone, presented.
For the project, Instagram became an open platform where participants could express their thoughts and feelings which are normally not expressed because of the fear of an open reaction. Every user of a social network could send me his photo and a question for discussion, to be posted on my Instagram account to be published.
I prefer to create social controversial works by questioning commonly accepted truths. Many works reflect my own search for answers to questions or reflect our reality. I act as an active and interactive anthropologist, inviting the viewer to be part of my artistic projects. In my works, I raise issues of identity, rethinking the post- and decolonisation of my national culture in the context of globalization.

Video (Loop).
Nine images are combined under one name, LACTA.
Lacta – milk is what nourishes us, strengthens us and Energy complete. In religion, milk is always associated with a woman, a female archetype. Motherhood is the only role that the patriarchal world has given to women. If you look closely, it becomes clear that religion is the bulwark of the patriarch. This role is unchangeable. As before, women have no equal Position in the company. Religion is a space complete control, conformity and submission. It is undoubtedly an area dominated by a man who is God, Lord and Patriarch.
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