
Josefine Schulz

Lebt und arbeitet in Leipzig, Deutschland

Cooler Typ und Elizabeth Taylor, 2020

Oil on Canvas, 130 x 170 cm


In her artistic work she deals with the realities of life of her generation and the influences of visual culture on them. „Uniting all my works, be it painting, sculpture or performance, is the feeling of longing. In my case it is the desire for your own dog, as well as the longing for closeness and belonging. So I always try to create spaces/worlds where the observer is confronted with their realities but can also flee into these worlds. „

Bild: Babes, 2018 – 2019, glazed ceramic, each circa 10 x 5 x8 cm

Brenda & Kelly, 2020

Oil on  Canvas, 145 x 170 cm

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